Buenos días desde barcelona | Blonde Atlas

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Buenos días desde barcelona

Day 1 in Barcelona couldn't have been more magical: the tapas, Gaudi, the vino...

As soon as we arrived, our host Roberto pointed us to Cervecería Catalana for lunch where I tried cuddlefish and Spanish cured jamón (after being a vegetarian for 8 years, mind you). We toured the Nou Camp where FC Barcelona plays and drank Cava on the patio inside the stadium. We strolled down Passeig de Gràcia by Gaudi's Casa Batlló and Plaça de Catalunya before dinner outside under an umbrella with more tapas and vino. 



We did a lot more that I could go on and on about, but it's a new day and I'm almost done with my desayuno and café con leche so I'm going to stop there and save those details for another day. I'll be taking a break from the blog for a little while so I can live in the moment and soak up as much as I can during my time here in Barcelona, and then the other counties that I'm heading to after that. But I fully intend on having a library of posts about each of these places when I get home. In the meantime and I'll be sharing some pictures along the way on my Instagram

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to do what makes me happier than anything else: explore.