


Happy Tuesday! I'm gearing up to hit the road this weekend for a 6 week adventure to the west coast and back. After living out of a suitcase for almost 5 months while I was in Europe, I know a thing or two about packing for a long term trip. While this one will look a bit different than the last, it requires strategy nonetheless. 


Typically my travel uniform (AKA what to wear on a plane) involves early mornings at the airport or sleeping on a red eye. But for this journey, I'll be needing outfits to wear on a road trip. So for the sake of versatility, I've pulled together a few travel looks for the spring that are cozy enough to wear on a plane or in the car, but polished enough to keep on when you get to your destination. 



valentine's day

I love these grey cropped chinos. They're a cozy fit that you can wear comfortably all day (plus they're a nice mix up from always being in jeans). I especially love them paired with a soft blush (like this ruffle tee). I wore it all with these adidas superstars because I like the juxtaposition of playing with both feminine + athletic styles, but you can easily swap them out for a mule if you prefer a more traditional look.



Both these frayed skinny ankle jeans and this red pocket sweater are super comfortable and can easily be worn all day (no matter if you're on a plane, in a car or exploring a city). And by simply adding this silk primavera scarf tied around the neck, the look instantly becomes polished + chic (and is still just as comfortable).

I've already raved about how comfortable these cropped chinos are, but I also particularly love how versatile this slate grey color is. Here, I paired it with this bell-sleeve blouse (which is also great for travel because it's soft, breathable and a comfortable fit). I love these pieces together because while they're both loose (AKA super comfy) the cuffed pant leg and the bell sleeves give it enough structure to still look polished + put together. To give it a pop of royal blue, I paired them with this linen scarf I found at a market in Paris a few years ago (a light linen is always a great textile for layering while traveling). 

My favorite piece of the outfit was this gorgeous Saint Laurent Sac De Jour Small handbag (which you can purchase gently used for a discount from Trendlee-- along with lots of other great designer bags from brands like Givenchy!) I almost always carry neutrals like black, camel or grey, so it was fun to mix things up a bit with this bright cobalt blue. 

While I love so many types of fashion and unique approaches to individual style, dressing comfortably while traveling trumps everything else (at least in my book). I hope these give you some fun inspiration to look cute + stay cozy whilst traveling! 

Have some other questions about packing strategy? Let me know in the comments below!

As always, thanks for stopping by, friends! x




Valentine's Day is just around the corner! I shared last year that I genuinely love this holiday so much (no matter your relationship status). While I'm a huge advocate for everyone finding a way to celebrate love as often as possible, today's post is for all my single ladies out there (cue Beyoncé). 

I'll be celebrating this weekend (before I hit the road for my 6 week road trip!) with some of my best girlfriends. I did the same last year and it was honestly, probably my favorite Valentine's Day to date. We totally embraced all the clichés you can think of: chocolate, flowers, watching the movie 'Valentine's Day'... the list goes on. Some people even brought us all gifts (Justin Bieber earrings FTW). All that to say, I am always a fan of celebration over cynicism and Valentine's Day is no exception. 


If you're also celebrating with your girlfriends, I think it's more fun to shop for them than it is for a guy! And while I'd be lying if I said I'm buying gifts for all my friends (#BloggerOnABudget) it's really fun to set up a Dirty Santa style gift swap, or just surprise a few of your closest pals with something small.

If you're like me and my friends, you pretty much can't go wrong with gifts related to wine. I love these etched glasses, this decanter, this adorable phone case and of course, this rosé candy box. I also am obsessed with these chocolate truffles I found in London (and you can get them in the states!) You can also play up the holiday color theme with some red, pink and blush nail polish. Honestly, pretty much anything pink goes! I love this pink polaroid camera, this coconut milk mango reed diffuser, this faux fur pillow and these tassel drop earrings

But gifts aside, if you're single this Valentine's I realize you may not be happy about it. Some people wouldn't trade it, but others really wish they weren't. While I'm currently having a lot of fun being single, that wasn't always the case. So last year I wrote this article for The Everygirl on embracing this season no matter how you feel about it (and I threw in a few more notes now that I have another year under my belt!):



I was proud of myself when I hit the milestone of being single for a full year. That may not sound like a big deal, but coming from someone who was a serial monogamist (I'd been in relationships for the 11 years prior), it was a pivotal realization. 

But what I’m especially proud of isn’t merely the fact that I’ve been single—it’s how I’ve been single. In today’s world of TinderBumble, and everything else, there are endless ways to never be alone. Sure, you may not be in a committed relationship, but just swipe right a few times and soon enough someone is readily available to text with as often as you so please. At least, until you’re sick of them and ready to move on to the next option. 

Don’t get me wrong. I think dating apps have the ability to connect people (and I've loved using them to meet people while traveling). However, they can also make it far too easy to distract yourself in the interim from grieving or growing before you move into your next relationship if you're not careful.  But for my first 365 days as a single, I put dating on a shelf entirely and made a conscious effort to show up 100% to the season I was in. 

For starters, it wasn't always easy or fun. There are things about being someone’s companion that I absolutely loved and sometimes being single feels straight up lonely. But as equally as I’ll confess to that, I must also emphasize that it was pleasantly surprising and a little underrated.

So whether you’re just entering this season or you’ve been sitting in it for a while, here are some things to remember and celebrate about embracing exactly where you are. 


Now is the time to focus on YOU.

How many times have we heard that cliché? But man, is it accurate. When someone first uttered that phrase to me I had to close my eyes to hide that they were rolling with annoyance. But there is so much freedom in this truth. Ever hear someone say they wish they’d moved to a new city? Or learned a new language? Or backpacked through Europe? People are dripping with regret for their lost dreams and quite often the culprit is a laundry list of responsibilities and obligations that stood in their way.

But as a single? The world is your oyster. Move if you want a change. Use your evenings to take a language class. Save some money, quit your job, and travel Europe for a bit if that's what you really want (having done almost all of the above this past year, I can personally vouch they were the most incredible experiences of my life so far). There are literally no valid excuses to not be fully chasing after the life you want to build. 

This is the time when you’re allowed, hell, encouraged even to be selfish. Embrace it. 



It’s really OK not to be dating.

Friends, family, and even colleagues constantly asked me (and still do) if I’m dating anyone. The question can feel uncomfortable if the answer is “no." But try to remember that their intentions are almost always pure. Without pointing fingers or making generalizations, a lot of people think the solution to losing a love is to find another. And while most of us would agree we’d like to again at some point, I’d argue that there is a lot more out there for you to discover before simply finding another relationship. So fight the urge to over explain or agree to a date simply because people are asking. At the end of the day, they just want you to be happy. But only you know what is required to make that happen. Date when you feel ready and excited about it—and not a moment sooner. You’ll be doing both yourself and your future partner a favor. 

Having been on dates now, I'm so glad I took this approach. When you know how to be happy on your own you can truly enjoy the other person for who they are rather than trying to build on some toxic foundation of co-dependency. I have no problem (gracefully) letting go if I'm not feeling it, because I know I don't depend on them for my happiness or sense of self-worth.


Discovering who you are is exhilarating.

Relationships are about compromise, and that sacrificial gesture is a beautiful thing. But you know what else is pretty awesome? Being able to make all of your own decisions and discovering more about what makes you, you. After years of agreeing on restaurants, movies, and things to do, there was something so very liberating about making simple decisions by myself.

I've discovered that I’m a significantly happier person when I’m hiking or adventuring on the weekends instead of always watching Netflix on the couch. Or that I love a good laugh as much as the next girl, but what really lights my soul on fire is someone who is a great conversationalist. Time with yourself is like a childhood Easter egg hunt where you're constantly discovering treasure after treasure that holds a little surprise you were never aware of before. Eat up that delicious goodness. 



You are stronger than you think.

So many things are easier with two people involved: household chores, traveling logistics, car maintenance, the list goes on. So when those tasks you used to divide suddenly fall entirely on you, it can feel overwhelming (there's nothing like a flat tire weeks after a breakup to cue the tears and make you feel defeated). But if you can get past your emotions and self-pity, you quickly learn to suck it up and just get it done.

And suddenly, that self-pity turns to self-confidence. Because you just did that hard thing all by yourself (even if sometimes "by yourself" means asking or hiring someone to help). Channel that inner Olivia Pope badass, because you’ve got it handled.


You are already enough.

Whether we say it out loud or not, being in a relationship feels validating. It strokes our ego to have a companion that frequently reminds us that we’re loved, that we’re beautiful, or that we have a place in this world. But the reality is, you already are all of those things. And the more you are willing to sit with yourself and learn who you are (apart from anybody else), you will eventually start to look at yourself in the mirror every morning and know that it's true without needing anyone else to affirm it. 


More seasons lie ahead.

In the early days of my singleness, I found myself lamenting to a mentor about how alone I felt. I longed to someday have a family and be a wife, and it all felt suddenly so far away. She took my cheeks in her hands and squeezed them sternly. “You have the rest of your life to do that, my dear. But this is your season for adventure.” She then went on to tell me that while she adores her child and her husband, she appreciates them so much more because of the years she spent being single: living in London, exploring the world, and getting to know herself. “This time that you’re cursing under your breath will very likely be the same one you look back on so fondly someday,” she reminded me. "Don’t miss it."

This has been some of my very favorite advice, and it couldn't be more true. It's now been a year since I originally wrote this article and it has been a wonderful season of adventure. I started my own business. I lived in Europe (something I always said I hoped I'd do someday). I visited 11 different countries and saw more of the world than I ever have before. There is still a ton about my life that hasn't figured itself out yet, but again- more seasons lie ahead. I'm actually so incredibly thankful that my life didn't figure itself all out straight away. If it had, I highly doubt that I would have these experiences-- and they're the very best ones of my life so far. I can confidently say that whatever seasons are up next, I will be able to greet them as a better person because of what this one has taught me. 

So while I still look forward to all that lies ahead in my future, I’ve learned to genuinely cherish all that I have in the meantime (and not just the amazing travel and adventure). My cozy apartment is all mine and mine alone. I can still have sleepovers with my girlfriends at a moment’s notice (and when I'm in town, it happens pretty often). I can go to a yoga class just about anytime that I feel like it without needing to check in with anyone else. 

Now let's be clear: even with all the freedom I find so much joy in, I’m certainly not against relationships or judging you for your timelines. Hear me when I say that I’m absolutely excited to find love again someday. But I can say with confidence from what I’ve learned: Singleness is a sweet, beautiful place that's intended to be cherished, appreciated, and fully taken advantage of. It’s our time to become a better person for ourselves and the people we’ll end up with someday. So enjoy it. Drink up all it has to offer, and don’t leave a single drop behind. 

I hope you feel loved and encouraged this Valentine's Day, no matter what season you're in! 


Lately I've been discussing some post-travel remedies to get back on track after you overdo it on a holiday. We've already talked about some beauty tips and nutrition tips so today we're diving into fitness. 

If you want to indulge in all the delicious foods whilst traveling, you'll want to balance it with exercise. Even if you have a crazy fast metabolism and aren't concerned with the impact on your waistline, there are dozens of other health factors you should still consider (which are pretty obvious and not worth diving into). 

While I typically focus on yoga, I knew I needed to add some HIIT (high intensity interval training) into the mix if I wanted to shave off "my croissant layers." And while I knew this needed to happen, I still have no clue exactly how much weight fluctuated for a few reasons. First, Europe (and pretty much everyone else in the world besides the US) uses the metric system- meaning they track weight in kilos rather than pounds. If that's not confusing enough to an American, in the U.K. they take it a step further and then convert their weight into stones (6.35 kilos = 1 stone). Given my disdain for math, I simply relied on the "hey, my pants are feeling pretty snug" method. 

Whether you prefer my method or proper mathematics, if your goal involves weight loss you'll want to be sure to find some workouts that involve both cardio and strength training (again, HIIT is ideal). After trying several studios in London, and continuing this program once I got home to Nashville, I found a couple places that were exactly what the doctor ordered. 




During my first month in London, I decided to use ClassPass since I wasn't familiar with any fitness studios in the city. Whilst searching for a HIIT (high intensity interval training) option, I came across Best's Bootcamp right between the Embankment and Charing Cross tube stops and decided I'd give it a go. Straight away I was a big fan. Aside from it being an incredible workout, there were lots of other things I loved about it that made me want to be there. They boast a friendly staff, resident DJ (who mixes new music everyday), state of the art equipment, lavender-scented iced sweat towels after your work out, and luxe beauty products in the changing rooms (complete with L'Occitane shampoo + conditioner). 


When I extended my trip to spend another 6 weeks in London, I knew I wanted to work with Best's to get back on track in the fitness department. So I committed to 5 classes a week for 5 weeks, and then one week with 7 classes (yes, that means I went everyday). At first, it wasn't easy (my lungs and muscles hurt like hell) but I kept going. Aside from enjoying the studio environment so much, I quickly made friends with the staff and loved having their accountability. While they didn't actually have to do anything to get me there, the simple fact that they knew me by name and would notice if I was a no-show kept me committed to showing up each day.  

best's bootcamp charing cross London

While getting there is half the battle, giving it your all isn't easy either. At Best's there are no excuses to not give it... well, your best. Their ground-breaking instructor cam gives you total visibility on every move so that you can watch a 360-degree view of your trainer demonstrating each exercise while they talk through the main coaching points. And while the lights go down once class starts (to both allow you not to feel self-conscious of others watching + also to make you feel like you're in a night club rather than a gym) don't be fooled into thinking your instructor isn't watching. I can think of multiple occasions when I was called out because they knew could run faster (again: accountability).

If you're one that get's tired of doing the same class everyday (even if the exercises are changing) fear not. Best's also offers cycle classes in the same studio with all the same perks and amenities previously mentioned. I personally found enough variety in the Bootcamp classes but it was great knowing I had options all within one place. 

I felt significantly better when I left London than when I got there, all thanks to Best's. If I hadn't found a studio, workout + staff that I enjoyed so much, there's no doubt I would have struggled more to stick to my goals. For those of you in London, I can't recommend trying them enough! And now is the perfect time because they're offering 25% off a pack of 20 classes using the code NOSTRINGSATTACHED if you buy before the end of January.

Thanks so much to Best's Bootcamp for an amazing 6 weeks of workouts! I'll definitely be back when I come to London again this spring :) 

While on the "thank you" topic, thanks so much to Sweaty Betty for providing me with some new work-out gear while I was in London (I had seriously under-packed in this department so you saved the day!) I've always been a loyal Lulu-lover but I instantly fell in love with all the new bits I received. If you've never shopped at Sweaty Betty before, check out their online store (they do have a few US locations too!)


Having proper work-out gear that you feel good in (as silly as it may sound) really does help you get motivated to get dressed and out the door. Here are a few of my latest favorites to give you some inspiration for your next sweat session. 



Once I came home to Nashville, I knew that I wanted to keep up the progress I had made at Best's by including more HIIT classes in my current routine. So along with my 3-4 classes every week at Shakti Power Yoga (an amazing studio that I highly recommend), I've been going to 1-2 classes a week at Shed Group Fitness




shed group fitness nashville
shed group fitness

SHED is hands down the most intense workout I've done in Nashville. I tried it for the first time just before I left for Europe, so I was excited to go back when I got home. In every class, you're led through 3-5 stations of moderate to high intensity exercises. Each station lasts around 5-8 minutes and includes options for all fitness levels.  Not only does it tick the HIIT box, but it also is a studio environment that I enjoy. The music is always great, the staff is always friendly, and I love that you have some liberty to choose which station you want to start with (seems a bit less miserable that way!) So many of my Nashville friends love it here, so I always have a workout buddy to go with. 

If you’ve never tried SHED, you can get your first class for just $10, PLUS this Saturday, Jan. 28th all classes are FREE!

While this is the particular plan that has worked for me, I realize not everyone will have the same goals (or be in both London and Nashville!) Regardless of where you are, it’s important to stick to these general rules of thumb if you’re wanting to get back on track coming off of a holiday: 

  • Focus on HIIT (high-intensity interval training) to shed weight. 

  • Find a studio environment near you that you'll enjoy going to.

  • Find accountability (be it a friend or through your studio) so you're less likely to quit. 

  • Find proper work-out gear that you love to motivate you to get dressed + go everyday. 

Have you found any other tricks to be effective or motivate you in general in the fitness department? Let me know in the comments below! And stay tuned for some more travel posts this week on more European destinations!


