Top 10 Travel Destinations of 2016
2016 has been getting a lot of hate lately. But at the risk of sounding argumentative or insensitive, it happened to be the best year of my entire life. I’ve seen more of the world in the last year than I have collectively the other 28 years of my life (and as a result, I've also been asked which of those destinations was my favorite more times than I have hairs on my head). Since I'm a big fan of optimism and looking on the bright side (and since picking a single favorite place is impossible), I thought it’d be fun to share my Top 10 Trips of the year, along with a valuable life lesson that I learned in each spot. So let's jump right in:
The Dutch capital is hands down one of the most charming places I've ever been in my life (not just this year). The bikes, architecture, canals, tulips + stroopwafels are just a few of the many things about it that stole my heart. If you've never been, check out my Amsterdam Travel Guide and add it to your list of destinations for 2017!
My friend Sarah came to visit me in Amsterdam, which was after I'd been away from home for over 2 months. Sarah is one of my very best friends and someone I do life with on a regular basis. Before I left for my trip, I remember worrying that things might feel different or that friendships might fade while I was gone. But that wasn't the case with our time in Amsterdam. We didn't skip a single beat. It was the nail in the coffin to affirm what I had already been learning: the people in life that really matter will always be there for you- whether you're in the same city or on the other side of the world.
This city in Spain’s Andalusia region is nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and known for its lavish Alhambra palace. I loved embracing all the Moorish influence by visiting a Turkish bath, getting a henna tattoo, browsing the Arab markets, drinking tea + admiring all the gorgeous architecture (I felt like I was in Morocco rather than Spain!) If you’re looking for a destination that’s rich in history, diverse in culture, and brimming with incredible food + architecture— look no further than Granada!
While watching the sunset over the city one night, I had the realization that less than a year ago, I'm not sure I even knew Granada existed. What a cool feeling to know that another year from now I could be somewhere else that's amazing but I don't even know about it yet! It's easy to default to popular destinations that everyone loves, but Granada showed me that there are SO many other cool places in the world to discover-- I haven't even scratched the surface!
Venice is one of the most iconic destinations in the world. With its 150 canals and 400 bridges, it was unforgettable navigating this beautiful city. I loved embracing the quintessential Venetian experiences like drinking bellinis, riding a gondola, touring neighboring islands like Murano, indulging in local cuisine (which is delicious Italian plus incredibly fresh seafood) and watching the sun dance on the water of The Grand Canal. I HIGHLY recommend visiting this year (as you likely know, Venice is slowly sinking). Head to my Venice Travel Guide on the blog for everything you need to plan your trip!
My two lodging partners in Venice really couldn't have been more different. One was a luxury 5 star hotel and the other was a hostel (a nice one, but still a hostel). My friend Tillie and I were crying we were laughing so hard because we were still wearing our hotel slippers from our luxurious experience the night before when we got to the hostel (clearly we weren't ready to trade in the luxe life). But when I take a step back and look at all my Venice memories, I honestly don't know which ones were from the day of the nice hotel vs. the hostel. While hotels can certainly offer an incredible experience, what you'll truly take with you from your travels will be the memories you create exploring each destination and drinking up the local culture- not merely where you choose to lay your head at night.
Ireland romanced + surprised me, far exceeding any of my expectations. From the popular tourist spots like Blarney Castle + Cliffs of Moher to more remote locales like Dingle or Connemara, I adored every place we went. Its dramatic rocky coastlines, lush green countrysides, stunning castles and kind-hearted people are just a few of the many things you'll love. If you're looking for some inspiration to plan your own trip, be sure to check out my "One Week in Ireland" guide!
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't jazzed about spending an entire week in Ireland. I'm more of a city girl, and Ireland hadn't been quite at the top of my list to begin with because there were so many other places I wanted to go. But my friend had airline points that could bring her to Dublin to meet me and so I said yes. I'm so thankful that I did. It made me realize it's always worth saying yes and capitalizing on the chance to explore a new place when the opportunity presents itself- even if you're not over the moon at first. Your favorite spot in the world could end up being somewhere you didn't even know you wanted to go.
Rome was the first city I ever visited in Europe and what made me realize how much I love to travel. But aside from my sentimental ties, the Italian capital is brimming with more history than arguably anywhere else in the world. Seeing the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Roman Forum, Pantheon or Spanish Steps with your own eyes is unforgettable and indescribable (and don't even get me started on the food). Stay tuned in the coming weeks for my travel guide with everything you need to plan a trip of your own!
Rome will forever be a page turner in the history of my life. 5 years ago I had never been to Europe, even though I always dreamed of going. At long last my family planned a trip, and I honestly can't think of a time in my entire life where I've been more excited than I was when those airplane wheels touched down that summer in 2012. My dad still recalls how my mouth hung open in wonder like a little kid at Disneyland. Going back for the third time reminded me of what I learned on that initial visit: I am happiest + most alive when I'm traveling. It's my greatest passion, a key part of my life's purpose and something I truly can't imagine not having discovered. And because of that, I'll forever be grateful to Rome for teaching me about my greatest love to date.
Nestled along the Dalmatian Coast + the sparkling Adriatic, Croatia offers so me of Europe's most sough-after destinations (my personal favorites? Hvar + Dubrovnik). I've never been anywhere that offers as much natural beauty, crystal clear water, interesting medieval architecture, incredible wine + delicious seafood. It's unlike anywhere I've ever been + somewhere I'll most definitely return again + again. Check out my Hvar + Dubrovnik travel guides to start planning your trip in 2017!
My friend Brenna and I had always planned on going to Dubrovnik, but our original plan was to go to Istanbul rather than Hvar. Given Turkey's civil unrest in August, we were saddened when advised by wise counsel to change our itinerary. To be honest, I was pretty pissed. Istanbul is someplace I've always dreamed of visiting and it felt like a tease to have to change plans in the 11th hour. But the time I added to Croatia was a beautiful reminder that sometimes our good plans fall apart so better plans can come together. I had never heard of Hvar prior to that last minute planning we were forced to do. But it ended up being one of my favorite places of my entire trip. We met some wonderful people from Lisbon that became friends, toured some of the most unique wineries I've ever seen, explored so many cool islands by boat -- and I almost missed all of it. I have all intentions of still going to Istanbul, but in hindsight I'm thankful for the annoying complication that lead me to all the amazing memories I made in Hvar.
Visiting Napa was a bucket list item + sincerely special to experience with some of my best friends. Even after visiting some of the most prestigious wine regions in the world this year, Napa was my favorite over Rhine Valley, Champagne and even Tuscany (although they were all incredible!) I found Napa to be surprisingly down to earth + more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed. Check out my Napa Travel Guide for my list of favorite wineries + things to do!
Napa was really special to me professionally because it was the first time I was ever able to use my blog as a tool to cover my travel costs. I had spent so much time and energy growing an audience and writing about travel experiences that I had paid for out of pocket, and I finally got to see the fruit of my hard work (and more importantly, God's provision). It lead me to dream even bigger dreams (like maybe even being able to travel Europe for a while...)
But Napa wasn't just special because of what it meant to me professionally on the surface level. For years I always said I wanted to go there someday for my bachelorette party. Looking back to years past, I realize now that a lot of my dreams to travel and see the world were tied to being in a relationship (in some form or fashion). I dated someone for many years who traveled a lot for work and was on a trajectory to travel even more in the future. I'd occasionally tag along, but we often talked about me being able to do more and more of that in the future. But this Napa trip made me realize that I was absolutely capable of making those dreams a reality without needing someone else to do it for me. It was my own talents and skills and hard work that afforded me to travel- not anyone else's. And it was an absolute game changer to realize that I could apply that same mindset to every dream I had. So no, I didn't go to Napa for the first time because of my bachelorette party (and who knows where I'll go when that time comes). But I got to experience it with 3 of my very best friends with a new-found sense of confidence (as cliché and "I am woman, hear me roar" as that may sound). I'm deeply grateful it was the latter.
Paris will forever be one of my favorite cities in the world. I'll never grow tired of walking along the Seine, practicing my French while ordering croissants at a local boulangerie, admiring the stunning architecture and of course, watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle. There is something so magical about this place and countless reasons it's such a popular destination. If you've never been, check out my travel guides and add it to your 2017 travel itinerary!
After being a serial monogamist for almost 11 years, I've really hit my stride as a single this past calendar year. After taking necessary time to heal, I've loved developing confidence, knowing who I am on my own, and embracing this season to be completely focused on myself. With that said, I became so proud of how independent I'd become that I kind of put dating on the shelf entirely (without even expressing the slightest little interest in seriously giving it a go). So when a guy asked me to drinks while I was in Paris, my knee jerk reaction was to say no ("Um, I'm sorry but I'm like, really busy enjoying the best city in the world right now...") My friend Brenna all but forced me to say yes, and I'm so thankful she did because I had a great time. No, I didn't meet the love of my life or fall head over heels-- but I had a great time. Paris taught me that I had become so confident and comfortable that I was missing out on a really fun part of being single: going on dates. Because of Paris, I ended up going on lots of dates all over Europe with lots of interesting people. Some guys were incredibly fascinating and fun to talk to. Some guys were really attractive. Some were incredibly fascinating, fun to talk to AND really attractive. But regardless of any experience in particular, I'm thankful that Paris taught me it's good to not become too focused on yourself. Being willing to put yourself out there, get to know other people and gain greater understanding about what kind of person "fits" you is a healthy part of singleness (not to mention, it's really a lot of fun).
Santorini is easily the most beautiful place I've ever been (it felt like a dream!) It's dazzling panoramas, volcanic sand beaches, delicious cuisine and cave-style architecture with cobalt blue roofs are just a few of the dream qualities that made it so idyllic. Stay tuned for my travel guide with even more details to help you plan your trip!
Sometimes I feel like I'm exhausting so much effort into this blog and wonder "Does anyone actually care?" Creating something and putting it on display for all to see is a vulnerable process that takes a lot of work and sometimes it's easy to feel self-conscious about it. But my first afternoon in Santorini while my friends and I were getting fish pedicures, a girl approached me. "Excuse me... but don't you have a blog?" she asked me. I answered yes and assume she must have overheard a conversation between my friends or something. But as it turns out, she was a reader that recognized me (which was both incredibly flattering but also felt like I would have probably had better odds winning the lottery than being recognized). We chatted a bit, but before parting ways she told me that she loved following my travels + that it inspired her to travel more herself. While it may sound like my ego talking, it made me so happy to hear that. Not because someone recognized me, but because it felt like the work was worth something. It reminded me of why I started doing this in the first place: to inspire people to live a big life + see as much of this beautiful world as possible. As cheesy as it may sound, Santorini tangibly taught me that there will always be a million reasons to talk yourself out of doing something you're passionate about, but the reasons for doing it will always outweigh the reasons not to.
London is one of the most massive, multi-faceted + incredible cities on this planet. You simply can't see all it has to offer in a quick trip. Even doing life there for a few months didn't allow me to see + do everything that I wanted. It's somewhere you can return again and again and again, and gain something different + special every time. Simply put:
"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
— Samuel Johnson
London taught me more than any other city I visited (to be fair, I also spent more time here than any other city). But one lesson that I learned here stood out to me more than anything else I learned on this adventure living abroad: you have the potential to create the life you want
This lesson may not sound very profound, and that's because it's not. It's actually very simple. But the reality is most of us won't choose this, because it's easier to drift. To go with the flow. To grow into a life by default rather than building, choosing or chasing after what we actually want. It wasn't until I was in London, living in Europe like I've always dreamed of, that I realized how true it actually was. Sure, it took lots of work to get there-- but it was possible. I mean, I was there. I was doing it! And it encouraged me to keep doing it. To keep choosing the life that I want to live: the kind of people I want to surround myself with. The places that I want to see. The career I want to pursue. I get to choose all of those things. London taught me that I'm not a product of my circumstances, but that I'm a product of my decisions (and more importantly of my decisions lead by faith that God is a good, good Father).
While I found 2016 to be amazing, sure, I also realize that it wasn't perfect. But the reality is, no year will ever be. We all have things to be grateful for-- more than any of us probably realize. So regardless of the year you had, let's part with 2016 as an old friend- thanking it for the ways it challenged us, blessed us, taught us and shaped us into better people. And cheers to all the adventures, lessons, blessings + goodness that 2017 has in store for us. I believe it's going to be a wonderful year.