Heading Home | Blonde Atlas

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Heading Home

Over the last 133 days, I've visited 30+ destinations in 10 different countries. Europe has been my home for the last 4 and a half months, and today I said farewell (for now). 

I've already been asked loads of questions about how I'm feeling after this adventure that there just aren't simple answers to (asking to pick my favorite place is what I imagine a mother feels when asking which kid is her favorite). I understand the curiosity and certainly don't blame people for asking how it feels to be coming home. But the truth is I need a little more time to digest everything before I even try to properly articulate how I feel (if you follow me on Snapchat, you heard me say how it feels like I've been trying to drink from a fire hose). 


With that said, I couldn't come home from such a grand adventure and not share anything. So rather than letting my words failing me, I'll let this video recap of my trip do the talking for now. 

Snippets of 4 months living in Europe.



Processing aside, I can say with complete confidence that this has been the greatest experience of my entire life and that I'm a different person for the better than when I left. I have SO much I plan on sharing these next few months: everything from how I managed to travel for so long, to what I learned about the different cultures to what my favorite experiences were. So as I'm planning how to package the loads of information I intend to deliver, I would love to know: what are you curious to know more about? Let me know in the comments below or email me at theblondeatlas@gmail.com. My goal is to inspire you to get curious about seeing the world for yourself and help you figure out how to make it happen. 

Stay tuned, because there's A LOT more coming soon. 

